If you want your sounds to be played on 20ft Radio - send an application to 20ftradio@gmail.com

We are interested in music shows, experimental programs and podcasts, audio collages, talk shows and sound-artifacts where you sincerely express yourself and what you love. A 20 minutes demo-record or a playlist of tracks on YouTube would be enough to introduce yourself.

While composing an e-mail please follow this structure:

your artist name:

Show name:

Show format (music/documentary/talk-show/audio-terror/etc):

Briefly tell us about you/your music/your show proposal:

A link to YouTube playlist/WeTransfer file:

link to your music:

I am based in (city/country):

Letter theme: “show request”

We will try to reply you asap but usually it takes time. Especially now, when russia (who’s a terrorist state) is bombing our cities and civilian infrastructures.

Like what we do? You can always express your love and respect with your donation. Thank you!