Lviv Municipal Art Center Residency
Broadcasts from active participants of the Lviv scene, as well as showcases of the formations Lamana, Night Ambassadors/TEC, Radical Sound and Lypa Diggers. The residency took place as part of the exhibition "Free Music: Ukrainian Initiatives from the 1980s to the 2020s" with the support of The Kosciuszko Foundation and its president, Marek Skulimovski.
mob - 04/02/2024
Melancholy mosaic filled with foggy beats, pale metallic whispers & drugged-out ambiance glued up by mob into bedroom anthem of loneliness.
Lamana w/ Whaler b2b Boreichuk @ 20ft Radio - 04/02/2024
Lamana is a broken sound music community, that wants to introduce people to the indirect rhythms of electronic music and help the army. They hold charity events, broadcast on the radio, and also prepare an upcoming release. In a live broadcast from the Municipal Cultural Center, we will hear b2b from Whaler - the organizer of the party, and Boreichuk, who used to organize the Jam Night parties.
Буду Думати LIVE - 04/02/2024
Sound improvisations and unconscious flows from Буду Думати (Budu Dumaty). Originally from the Cherkasy steppes and Kholodnoyarsk deep valleys. His sounds are recordings from his grandfather's old tape recorder, on which you can hear the rumble of a tractor driving on the scorching Ukrainian steppe.
Radical Sound w/ Віталій Матухно - 05/02/2024
Dark ambient/drone from an artist, curator, and musician from Lysychansk, resident of the “ОЧІ“ (Ochi) label.
Radical Sound w/ Принц Буба @ 20ft Radio - 05/02/2024
Experimental ambient by Принц Буба (Prinz Buba) - a musician and artist from Luhansk.
Radical Sound w/ Marietta Ester @ 20ft Radio - 05/02/2024
Live electronics set performed by Marietta Ester invites you to dissonating wanderings through the magic realm of whirling patterns, pulsating collisions & gritting weirdness.
Radical Sound w/ Чому @ 20ft Radio - 05/02/2024
Experimental noise from a creative duo from Kharkiv, consisting of Ruslan Koda and Darina Berdynskyi.
Radical Sound w/ Антон Малиновський @ 20ft Radio - 05/02/2024
The composer and artist from Snigurivka, Mykolaiv region with ambient and harsh noise performance.
Night Ambassadors w/ Yaroslav M - 07/02/2024
Dance music on the border between house and techno from Yaroslav M - DJ and producer, co-founder of the Hypnohouse label and party series.
Night Ambassadors w/ Ocean T - 07/02/2024
Ocean T - Lviv DJ and producer, member of the ZAVTRA crew, managing partner of the Laconica vinyl label, and teacher at Closer Connections School (Lviv). For our broadcast in Lviv, he will present the TEC project (Techno-Electro Station) with an atypical selection of his favorite techno and electro tracks.
Lypa Diggers w/ Il'ko - 07/02/2024
Il'ko moved from Zaporizhzhia, where he also organized parties before the war. Currently living in Lviv, in addition to working in a record store, he teaches at the Closer Connections school (Lviv). For our broadcast, he prepared a transposed selection, which is different from his usual sound.
Lypa Diggers w/ Erons - 07/02/2024
Erons is an artist who has good experience with performances on the electronic scene of Kyiv, Lviv, and his native city of Zaporizhzhia. Hleb's vinyl selection is very diverse and interesting, which creates a unique atmosphere during his performances.
Lypa Diggers w/ Avecarnival - 07/02/2024
An eclectic mix with strange bass passages from Avecarnival - an integral part not only of Lviv but also of the Western Ukrainian scene in general. His “Solid” parties have long become famous outside of Lviv.
Дім Звуку: Андрій Бондаренко, Остап Мануляк - 08/02/2024
Дім Звуку - це новий програмний напрям ЛКП “ Львівське радіо”, який реалізує команда однодумців у Львові на вул. Князя Романа, 6. Це місце було пов'язане зі звуком із 30-х років ХХ століття. Звук тут був способом творення, так само як і способом трансляції смислів. Ці смисли змінювали і формували місто. Звук проходив крізь весь будинок, він творив і одночасно був творцем. Дім Звуку працює зі спадщиною та актуальними практиками звукового та медіа-мистецтва. В Домі Звуку ми експериментуємо з різними формами аудіопродуктів, розробляємо та впроваджуємо освітні програми.
Mariia N. - 08/02/2024
“Мікс львівської музичної сцени, яка безпосередньо оточує мене - треки від близьких друзів, колег по Травню, і від дальніх знайомих і навіть незнайомих, чию музику я люблю і ціную. У Львові відбувається багато всього, тому хотілось би зробити певний часовий зріз.”
Kepsko - 08/02/2024
Dance electronic music by Ilya Kepsko, the founder of the creative association of the same name from Lviv. The activity of the project is caused by a great love for non-standard music and modern art. Kepsko organized several exhibitions, conceptual parties, and cultural and social events created to find and promote promising young artists. Currently, the area of interest and sources of inspiration for the residents are minimal and electro and tech house music.